Sensitive content prevention

  • Live


I know there is already an option to select that an account posts sensitive content. The option doesn't really change anything when I go to the profiles it never shows the sensitive content warning. Social networks like Instagram will ban a creators accounts if a link leads right to sensitive/adult content.

A good possible fix to this could be:

Option 1.
Creator can select to be a private account. So when a user goes to the profile they have to create an account or sign in to access any of the creators content Free or Paid.

Option 2.
Creators can select on each post/upload if the content they are posting is sensitive content and if they do the user must sign in or create an account to view the post wether its free or paid.


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Status changed to: Live



Hello, J. We are ready to add this feature to your website. Contact our support manager to request this scrile.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1 , choose Suggest a new feature.

Waiting for your ticket soon.


Michael Justin


What is the current status of this feature? Can you point to the specific place in the admin panel where we can change settings on this?


Tobias Palmer

Option 1
Option 2